YWAM Community Garden project In October and November of 2017, we went door to door surveying our neighborhood here on the West Side of Las Vegas–the ghetto… one of the most at risk in the city. We always ask ourselves the questions like: How can we bring people together especially […]
We have had some ups and downs pioneering a ministry focused on combatting human trafficking and reaching at risk women here in “sin city” for the last 2-3 years. Momentum is now swinging in our favor! God is faithful! Bette and her team of beautiful ladies (from left to right […]
We interned 23 fabulous missionaries from all over the country with the intent to saturate this city with love and good news. Additionally hosted, trained, and sent out about two hundred teenagers who came for one week long mission trips. Below is a photo of the interns and a bit […]
These are the few of the hundreds of missionaries come through YWAM Las Vegas this year! This is from one of the youth leaders: “What a radical week we had at Mission Adventures in Vegas! You guys stepped out so boldly in your faith and God brought healing and restoration […]
Sunday April 25 Finally got through to a team member in Nepal. No one from the team is injured! They are safe. Thanks for praying! Sunday April 26 Our team is still ok—a bit worried about aftershocks. There have been rumors of a 9.0 aftershock which hasn’t occurred as of […]
It is an exciting season here in Las Vegas! We are having far and away the largest discipleship school in our history. Seventeen of our missionaries left on Sunday to Thailand and Cambodia while the other thirteen are going to Nepal and India. Meanwhile we hosted around 80 short term […]
This month marks one year that Martin Malmberg has been the leader of YWAM Las Vegas. He leads an organization with six ministries, fifteen staff, hundreds of volunteers, and a large facility. I’m sure you can imagine this is no small task. Please be praying for him, Eliangela (Martin’s wife) and […]
Our outreach team is in Nepal! They are partnering up with a ministry called Agape Mission International. We have sent many teams to Nepal and every time a new adventure unfolds. Wherever God leads, they go! For this DTS, the team spent a week visiting villages in the mountains spreading […]